Welcome to Eagle-Eye Ministries! We are a prophetic ministry focusing on raising a true company of believers in these Last Days who will not only walk in the fullness of their calling without compromise, they will also be capable of rightly dividing the word so that they can operate in Spirit and in truth. This is necessary in a day and age in which too much emphasis has been placed upon modernization and commercialization of the church as opposed to operating in the simplicity of prayer, devotions and keeping strict adherence to the word of God. Although we understand the importance of using technology and sometimes using modern methods to reach people, it is still crucial that we "get back to the basics" so that the presence and power of Jesus can be made manifest in our lives as well as the lives of others who are within our sphere of influence.
We are an educational ministry that provides materials suitable for people seeking the truth regarding the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as believers who desire to grow in their faith. We will provide audio, video and written materials that will enable you to more readily understand your relationship with God, purpose in life and the spiritual gifts that He has provided you to fulfill the mission that He has for your life.
Weekly Global Broadcasts
If you are in our local area, we invite you to join us at our weekly global broadcasts which are recorded at our location at 20 East Taunton Road, Suite 550 (second floor), Berlin, NJ 08009 which begin promptly at 11 am. Most people come in "business casual" attire, but we aren't opposed to jeans or shorts (during the warmer months) as long as they are respectful in nature. For directions, please click here. If you are seeking growth in the word of God which is highly relevant to your everyday issues, many people refer to me as a "teacher's preacher" who expounds heavily on scriptural passages as the Holy Spirit leads me. In addition to my teaching style, my love for reading since childhood has made me somewhat of a story teller, and most of our congregants take notes and take advantage of the scriptural passages being available via PowerPoint presentations on a big screen so that they don't feel lost as I navigate through the Word of God and various topics. The atmosphere is extremely warm, so you will quickly feel "at home" in our midst.
If you are in need of prayer, we are also happy to support you in that manner and we provide a loving, nurturing environment for those who are healing from life's challenges.
Sermons Online
You may also feel free to download our written materials for free, listen to or download audio sermons and subscribe to our podcasts via this site or iTunes.
God bless you!
Brian Fox
Eagle-Eye Ministries |